Friday, March 14, 2008

Third Assingment ...

Is your book's story completely original and new? Or, do you recognize pieces of familiar stories in your book?

i think that my story is diffrent from other but it does have pieces from similiar stories. what im trying to say is that the way that they wrote the story is similiar to other but the story it self seems to be diffrent from others.
i do recognize something like how it talks about the life of a dead person like other storys have, i also recognize how in some other stories they go back to diffrent time periods to tell diffrent sides of the stories.

What makes your book's story original, or old news?

well its about a girl who died and it talk about her life and about what happend to her while she was alive. its very misterious because it goes back to when she was alive and back to the actual time .

Do you think that a writer in this day and age can make a completely new story?

i believe that theres many good writers that can create good stories and yes i think that one day someone will write a total diffrent story from the others already written before.

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