Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assingment : )

1) Isabelle is one of the characters in my book she is a painter who lives in the city comes from an island. I think she is the main character in the book so far because the story begins with her and also because she was one of Katherine’s good friends and Katherine is the character that is dead in the story.

“But that had never been Isabelle’s gift, reinventing the world as she needed it”. (Charles de lint 17)

“Isabelle wanted to pretend that the letter had never come, just as Kathy, lying there so pale and frail in the hospital (Charles de lint 17)”.

Isabelle wanted it to be 1972 again, the year she left the island to attend Butler University (Charles de lint 17)”.

2) I don’t have much to compare my self to the character except that I did live in Rio Rico a small city where everyone knows each other and it basically is like a farm. i would also be scared to read the letter just the fact to know that someone could of send me a letter from my friend.

3) I have my eyes closed picturing the letter in my hands, I feel dizzy everything spins, like if it was all a dream, I smell the my fear of opening that letter and finding out what my friend is trying to tell me, I can hear the voice in my head telling me that everything is a sick joke or it can be a dream. I am just waiting to wake up and realize that it was a night mare and that I never received that letter.

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